We’re the Web

Posted: July 26, 2016 in Blog
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Hello, everyone.  My book Dance of the Butterfly has now been available for a couple of weeks or so, the Kindle edition almost a month.  To those of you who have bought a copy, I thank you immensely.  I would also love some feedback from my readers.  Please leave a review on the Amazon page, even if it is just a sentence or two or a star rating of your choice.

I would also love to see pics of you with the book.  If you’d like to be part of a marketing campaign showing people experiencing the product, please post or send in your photos.  They can be anything from you holding the book to whatever else you might cogitate.  Every little bit helps. We’re all at our own junction of this vast web, and if we all just tickle the strings a little, we can make one hell of a song.  Please join me.

I can also be found at my Facebook Author Page if you prefer to contact me there.

Thank you all.


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